• 98360 36019
  • pragati.singhal1@gmail.com
  • Dr. Pragati Singhal
  • 27 Jan 2024

Breast Self-Examination (BSE) is a practice that puts self-care at the front and centre and emphasises the importance of breast health for women's overall well-being. With the purpose of empowering women, this guide offers an organised strategy for doing efficient self-examinations at home. Knowledge is incredibly powerful when it comes to preventive health, and being able to manage this self-care routine is an important tool in the fight against breast cancer.

The Significance of Breast Self-Examination

Breast self-examination is a proactive approach to breast health that allows people to learn what their breasts typically feel and look like. This familiarity improves the capacity to identify any oddities or deviations that might indicate the existence of precancerous or cancerous cells. Although self-examinations cannot replace medical screenings such as mammograms, they are an important at-home resource for early detection.


A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting a Breast Self-Examination

1. Looking at self in a Mirror:

★      Keep your arms at your sides and look at your breasts to see whether they have changed in size, shape, or colour.

★      Raise your arms in the air and scan the same areas for changes.

★      To feel for dimpling, puckering, or shifts in the position of your nipples, place your hands on your hips and press firmly.

2. Manual Breast Self-Exam While Standing:

★      Examine your left breast with your right hand, and vice versa.

★      Press over the breast, from top to bottom and side to side, using the pads of your three middle fingers in a circular motion.

★      To check for any discharge, pinch the nipple and check under the armpit.

3. Manual Breast Self-Examination While Lying Down:

★      Place an arm behind your head and a pillow under one shoulder.

★      Make a circular motion with the pads of your middle fingers to press every region of one breast.

★      Repeat the procedure on the second breast after switching the pillow to the opposite side.

When and How Long

You are able to fit a breast self-examination into your daily routine. It takes only a few minutes. It is possible and necessary to take a minute to prioritise your breast health, whether you are having a shower, getting dressed for the day, undressing at night, or lying in bed.

Possible Problems with Breast Self-Examinations

Although self-examinations help you become more aware of your body, it's important to recognize their limitations.

★  Not a Replacement:

Mammograms and professional breast exams by healthcare professionals cannot be replaced by a self-examination. It enhances these screenings by helping you become more acquainted with your body.

★  Possible Uneasiness:

Although feeling a lump isn't usually a sign of cancer, it might cause unwarranted worry. It's critical to approach self-evaluations with objectivity and, if necessary, seek expert guidance.

How to Handle a Lump That You Find

Although finding a lump can be frightening, it is important to maintain composure

★  Stay Informed:

Non-cancerous breast alterations can be caused by a variety of circumstances, and the majority of lumps are benign.

★  Speak with an Expert:

Speak with your healthcare practitioner if you observe any unexpected or concerning changes. They will walk you through any additional assessments, which can involve a biopsy or imaging testing.

Self-care is a commitment to your health, not just a buzzword. You take an active role in your health journey when you incorporate Breast Self-Examination into your daily practice. Frequent self-examination helps you to identify changes early on, which supports swift action and improved results. Remember that taking care of yourself is a real manifestation of your love and concern for your own body. It is time to establish a culture of empowerment and well-being by making breast health an essential component of your self-care practice.

"With Compassion & Expertise, Dr. Pragati Singhal Guiding You Towards Recovery"


Breast Cancer Basics Women's Health Prevention and Wellness Patient Support and Recovery Breast Self-Examination

